Wednesday, March 25, 2009


           We had a great weekend, and the last couple of days have been pretty normal. I'm definitely learning a few things about myself that I hope to share with you this week. As for today... I just wanted to get caught up on a few happenings around here.
           This last weekend we had a chance to get away to the park for a few days. We've been trying to find one that is not so busy and gives us a bit of nature too. We found a perfect one. It's got some great equipment, but it also runs right next to the Provo river. We played for a while and then enjoyed feeling a little bit closer to nature in the city by throwing rocks in the river and taking a walk along the river bank, where it leveled out. A perfect spot to return to regularly and have picnics.
           Caitlyn has found the enjoyment of swings. She just laughs and giggles the whole time. What can be better than that?
           Mirian is our latest chef. Isn't she just a cutie. She has got the best smile. She is making my favorite thing lately, sweet potatoes. I just dice them up, steam them in the microwave add a little butter and salt, and I can not stop! These things are way too good. I've never liked the Thanksgiving version... too much marshmallows, sugar and sweetness. (Although my husband believes this is the only way to cook them.) Give me my steamed ones, or sweet potato fries any day!
           I have really been having fun crocheting lately. For some reason to me it seems easier to do than knitting. If you wanting to try a new hobby, give this one a try. I have found some darling and amazing patterns that are just giving me the creative bug like mad. In an effort to be frugal I wanted some more colors of yarn besides my red, yellow and blue I had. Although I love these colors... You can't make a whole lot of pretty things with the primary colors, especially since they don't mix like paint.
           So we went to the local thrift store DI, and hoped they'd have some yarn on hand. We picked the right day. They had two huge sacks for $4.oo a bag, with a variety of colors, weights, etc. I didn't think it was too bad since the three largest spools you see would have cost me the same amount in the store. I've been creatively planning on how to use them all, and figure that if all else fails and the color just does not work or appeal to me, my kids now have another addition of cheap art supplies to get their hands into. What I'm really looking for is garage sale time and hoping for some estate sale or grandmother getting rid of her 50 year stash.
           We did have this combination of yarn in the sacks that I liked. I wanted to make some granny squares for a small baby blanket, with a matching stuffed giraffe in the yellow color.
So at night, in the car, and any break I can get I've enjoyed making up a few.


  1. Shalae, I can't believe all you do! The granny squares are too cute! I see you're an early riser like me. It's the only time I have a spare second to go online. I love your blog.

  2. Shalae,
    Your look like your are getting quite good. Any hints to the trade, & you think it is easier than knitting. I tried knitting, but I keep on forgetting how to do it, maybe I need to try crotchet again. I just want something to do at night if we are watching TV. They look great, and what a good idea to go to DI for yarn. I might have to go & check ours for some as well.

  3. You are doing awesome girl! I have not clue and wouldn't know where to start but I love afghans. I have several that my grandma's gave us.

  4. If you want another great sweet potatoe side, cut them into about 1/2" cubes, put them in a frying pan with a little olive oil and finely chopped onions and cook until browned and soft. Top with a little cheddar cheese! YUM! Or, add in some sliced smoked sausage and make it meal! We don't care for the thanksgiving kind either, but love this!

  5. Fantastic!! Crochet is like therapy to me, if I am feeling stressed out come my crochet hooks :)


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