Monday, April 13, 2009


           It's that time of year that calls for a little Easter digital scrapbooking. I designed this one because I wanted something to scrap my kid's Easter egg hunts and dyeing eggs.
           Of course when I went to scrap a layout for the new collection I couldn't find any good pictures of my kids doing either. So that required that we take a LOT this weekend during the Easter egg festivities.
           I think we might have given Grandma's OCD a run for it's money by Isaac playing in the dye - turning him into the incredible hulk, and dumping over two buckets of dye all over the table and Savannah's new Easter clothes. :)

1 comment:

  1. is funny that you used the Hulk description. That is the same way my SIL described my niece after coloring eggs! Too funny!


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