Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Bit Better

           We are still waiting to find out what is going on with the walls so we know whether to put things away and start patching up or whether to leave it out till they come back... sigh.... luckily today has gone better. I still hate sitting around wondering what I can do though... that's a bit aggravating.
           But I got to have lunch with some ScrapGirls today, with my scrap baby in tow. Such fun. I haven't been able to make many of them, but after the last week I was determined to find a babysitter and get out and have some time to myself for a bit. It was great. Some yummy food, good company and a break from everyday regular life. I'm planning on doing absolutely nothing tonight except relax with my hubby and watch a few episodes of psych, and making rolls for a mother/daughter dinner for young women's tomorrow.
           For those of you wondering about Beau's back. It's gotten a lot better, but he is still having issues with it. Especially when he sits down it bothers him really bad, the car trip to Wyoming and back about killed him. So after fasting and praying, we're going to go in for surgery. He's hoping to make arrangements here to get it done in the next couple of weeks. So keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
           Well off to figure out what we're having for dinner... that is the question of the year lately. I need some new recipes. Anyone have some good ones?


  1. This is our favorite: Santa Fe Cheese Soup. Made in the crock pot.
    1 lb of velvetta, 1 lb of ground beef, 1 can of corn, 1 can of kidney beans, 1 can of diced tomatoes, 1 can of stewed tomatoes, and 1 envelope of taco seasoning mix. 3 hours on high or 4-5 hours on low. I love the book 101 things to do with a slow cooker.:)

  2. Good luck with Beau's back surgery. That's no fun, but hopefully he'll be better after it's all done.

  3. I have the same dinner problem. I started a recipe blog in hopes of sharing and receiving new recipes. It's
    We've cut down on our meat intake quite a bit, so I've been desperate to come up with new recipes and things.


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