Friday, May 22, 2009

Quick Road Trip

           What a dud of a week for blogging. Oh well. I've been living with this cold/allergy thing for about a week and half. It's driving me crazy. You forget how it feels to be feeling 100 %.  I would do anything for that right now.
           My grandfather passed away so we are making another quick trip back to Star Valley this weekend for the funeral and to see family.
           No worries I did draw the name for the book.  Congratulations Tiff - you won! I'll get that to you here shortly.
           Life is good. I'm looking forward to getting something done on Memorial days since all of our Weekends don't seem to exist any more. Wishing all of you guys a great 4 day weekend and beautiful weather!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your Grandpa. I hope you guys have a nice time with the funeral and family!


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