Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Embroidery - want to learn?

           So I've been cleaning and looking at things that we need to eliminate, give away and get rid of. One of the hardest things for me is books. Especially when they are good ones, or good reference ones. One that I really enjoyed because it got me doing embroidery again is this one, Doodle Stitching.
           It's easy to follow, teaches you the basics about it and has some cute easy patterns to start out with and some cute projects.  It's one of those books that I've felt like I've used it as much as I can at this point but don't just want to get rid of it. So I thought hey... maybe someone else out there would like to learn how and would enjoy it.
           So I thought I'd be frugal, reuse the book and let someone else enjoy it... So if you'd like it, and are ok with a used book.  Leave a comment and next monday the 18th I'll do a random draw and send it to the lucky winner.  That way I feel good about passing it on to someone else, and someone else can pick up a fun new hobbie.


  1. Ooh, I've seen this book around and have wanted to try my hand at it. I'd love to be considered for the drawing. Thanks Shalae! :)

  2. I've been wanting to try my hand at free embroidery! I am thinking I'd like to do something on a chenille blanket for my family room. I'd love to be included in your random drawing! What a great way to pass along books :D

  3. Add me to your list, please!!! This is a smart idea!!

  4. Hey Shalae, I lack craftiness...so please put me down! I wish you guys could come as well, but you guys are busy! Definately later this summer! We are feeling much, oh much better! Tell the fam hi!

  5. Hey Shalae,
    I just got done with my Last Child in the Woods, do you want to borrow that one? I know you once mentioned that you wanted to read it, and I just got done, so let me know & I can put it in the mail. -


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