Monday, August 17, 2009

7 amazing years

           Seven years ago I wondered if I would ever find the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.  Suddenly out of the middle of nowhere he showed up.  From the minute I met up with him, I knew I wanted to be around him. The more I was around him the more I knew he was it. He was everything I had been waiting for.  We hung out for 3 weeks just being friends, spending every possible minute with each other.
           Finally after another guy kept asking me out he finally asked me if he could date me seriously on a Friday night.  I, of course, said yes. (I had been wondering how long I’d have to wait.) Saturday he went on a blind date with another girl because he had already made commitments.  I let him go but secretly hoped he had a miserable time. Sunday he held my hand for the first time in church. We came home, had a great dinner, talked and ended the night with him asking me if I would marry him.  It was completely unexpected. It was open and honest. We had both felt since the day we first met that this was it. This was the one…. I said yes…. and 2 1/2 months later we were married.
           Fast?  Incredibly fast.  Especially now that I look at it.  Scary? Not one part about it. Everything in the 3 weeks prior, the 2 1/2 months after and the 7 years since have been the most peaceful, amazing and incredible years of my life.  The Lord gave us peace about the whole thing. We knew it was right and so why wait.
           Every day I thank my father in heaven for this amazing man. I still can’t believe that I found someone that I am so compatible with. Someone that is so amazing, clean and good. Someone that knows, understands and loves me more than anyone else ever could.  He makes me laugh every day. He makes me smile. He makes life so worth living.  He is an incredible father and supports me so well in my role as a homemaker.
           It’s amazing to me how much the Lord loved me enough to let me go through this amazing journey with him.  Happy Anniversary Honey. Thanks for the amazing ride so far.  I love you.
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  1. Oh Shalae, this post makes me so happy. :) Congratulations on your anniversary and I hope you're able to celebrate well. Happy 7 years! :)

  2. Congrats Shalae! This is so beautiful to read!! Happy 7 years and more to be added!

  3. Congratulations you two, it's funny to think we were very newly weds when we met! We miss you guys!

  4. I remember when you two met all those years ago! Oh the drama of being single and the WAITING! I'm so glad you found Beau, I can't believe all that can happen in 7 years. 4 babies, a house and is Beau still in school? You're a good woman Shalae!


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