Wednesday, August 26, 2009

She Inspires Me!

           I love running across a new blog showcasing someone’s amazing talents!  Melissa Crowe at checkout girl  is one of those people. I was just introduced to her and I just love her fun style of appliqué and embroidery.  Especially how she incorporates the hoop as her frames and sometimes has the appliqué extending off of it, or mimicking the roundness.
           My favorite part of her amazing skill. Her portraits.
           Someday when we have extra money… I want one.  I think it would be so cool to see my whole family sewn up like this!  I would try if I thought I could even do it!
           She’s inspired me to try some of these flowers that she explained in a tutorial on some crocheted hats I just finished up… hope to show them to you soon.  She’s also inspired me to design some of my own patterns in a style similar to this with additional embroidery. I’ve ran across some great sayings lately that I want to become a way of life, and I want to frame them in something like this.
           So cool. I love it when people show me how they do it, their creative process.  So you have to check her out and go to her etsy store little pink house and see her work. She doesn’t have a whole lot in there for sale, so check out what she’s already sold too.
           Better yet… if she inspired you at all too and now your itching to try your hand at it, go and try your hand out at her giveaway for the above kits!
           As for me… see these gorgeous colors. Don’t they just make you happy!  Man they do me, and they are wanting me to take this inspiration and go do something with it. :)
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  1. Very inspiring! If I could I would have a million projects going all at once! It is amazing how many creative inspiring artists there are out you! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing this blog. It's a good one!

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