Monday, August 10, 2009

Home Again

           Once again we’ve been out of town.  This time it was a much needed break. Beau and I left the kids with the grandparents. The two older with my parents since they were hosting a grandkid’s camp, while the two younger ones stayed with Beau’s parents.  This is one of those times where it is great having your in-laws live in the same town. We then borrowed my father-in-law’s road bike and took our own road trip.  We enjoyed 2 1/2 days together relaxing and celebrating our 7th anniversary coming up here shortly.  What a great relaxing time… I’ll post pictures when I have a chance. This week…. wow what an insane week.
           Today I’ve been making 150 baking powder biscuits and 7 gallons worth of gravy mix for Beau’s Stake Scout Camp that starts tomorrow.  We managed 3 different doctor’s appointments within an hour of each other with one car and sick kids.  Savannah tested positive for strep, so while dad is gone camping for the week I get to hang around home, in isolation with at least one sick kid…. most likely more, they just haven’t shown signs yet.  So with a thousand of places to go, school to get ready for that starts next week, projects due and everything else, it is going to be one CRAZY week. I’m going to have a positive attitude that it’s going to turn out amazing. I’m sure you’ll find out the truth sooner or later.
Astle Reunion 111


  1. Good luck!! Glad to hear you had a good getaway!

  2. wow, that does sound like a crazy week! good luck! i wish i was closer to you, i'd offer to babysit. :)


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