Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The daily things

           Remember this wall hanging I was working on. I think I started it 2 years ago.  You read that right… years.  Well do you see where it’s hanging now?  My wall. It’s finally on my kitchen wall and it feels so good to have a completed project.  I’m one who tends to get distracted about the new project I would like to be working on instead. We’re trying to overcome that mentality.   This is a picture of the moment I won “mother of the year” with my son. One morning he had found a hanger and wanted dad to put it on his head for horns. Somehow my husband in his boy scout ingenuity was able to secure it to his head using another shirt and the boy was in heaven. Well every day since that day he has been asking, begging and getting frustrated with me when I could not do it.  We tried string, we tried elastic headbands, we tried the shirt, and it did not work.  It would never stay on his head more than a couple of minutes which led to frustration and melt downs.
           Finally yesterday I had enough… we found an old headband and the duct tape and I told him we were going to fix this.  Explaining the whole time I was wrapping that you can make and fix anything with duct tape.  Tada…. horns.  The best part, during the whole process of it was when he just kept saying over and over again… “Thank you mommy,  Thank you mommy”  with that little smile on his face.
           He has become my polite one, (unless he wants you, and you are not coming to him immediately.)  He’s the one that makes me feel good at dinner declaring. “This is so yummy!”  or “This is so delicious!”  while the others whine that they don’t like it.
           Two weeks ago was a horrible week of watching too much TV, and all the horrible, tantrums, fighting and bad attitudes that come with it. (From not just the kids either.) By the end of the week I was ready to pitch that thing out the door to never return. After wise words from my husband, and some time pondering a solution myself (which is a whole different blog post later)  our TV just “some how” broke this last week (with the help of my husband) and wouldn’t work. Which didn’t make me the bad guy… and this last week was amazing. Although we didn’t quite know what to do with ourselves because we had gotten out of the habit, life was so much more peaceful and happier.  Mirian kept getting bored asking what to do… So what do you do when you get tired of hearing this over and over. You give her a book with 500 ideas of things to do and make, and she’ll sit there for the next 30-40 minutes looking at it and letting you live in peace.
           We’ve also had a few cookie making sessions. (Mirian took this picture and I just love the depth of field in it.)  Life has been good. We’re looking forward to going and spending the rest of the week with family enjoying this great time of year. I hope you are able to do the same!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sketching With Thread

           I recently came across this awesome stitch book. It reminded me of another site where someone sewed up a quick book of random scraps of fabric. It was going to be her embroidery ‘sketchbook’, a place to doodle with thread and needle. What a cool fun concept. I’ve been dying to make one ever since. A place to practice different techniques, draw with thread and have fun.
           Then I ran across this stitch work book created by Kat Coyle. She was teaching a class to some students and had them create their own books using books on famous art and artists as inspiration. (Which the art history lover of me thinks is such a great idea!) Isn’t it just amazing?! I just love this idea.
           Lately I’ve been trying to overcome the procrastinator in me and finish up some craft projects that have been a long time in the making. I finished one – pictures later, and am almost finished with another one. What a great feeling!  Now to get in the habit of just finishing them. :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Another Testament

           The Christian world as a whole believe that the only record we have of Jesus Christ and his mission is the Bible. They do not know that there is another testament of him found in the Book of Mormon. After his resurrection and ascension into heaven to his father he fulfilled the scripture John 10:16 - "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd." He then visited his other fold of sheep on the America Continent. That record of his visit, his teachings and his continued role as Savior is found within the Book of Mormon in 3rd Nephi, chpt 8 - 30.
           It happened. It is true. I have read the account numerous times. The Spirit has testified of it many times. This account has changed my life. The Book of Mormon has changed my life. It can bring you closer to God than any other book. I know that without any doubt. I recently had the opportunity to share my testimony of the Book of Mormon with a Christian friend of mine. Sometimes in the busyness of the day and the many things to do, you forget what incredible blessings you have. The Book of Mormon is that for me. As I had a chance to tell her about it and encourage her to read it for herself to find out if it was true, I once again felt that incredible love for this book and the power of the Spirit declaring to me that it is true. It made me want to share it with everyone. It made me wish everyone would read it and ask for themselves. It made me sad for those that because of pride, apathy or hardened hearts will brush it off and say no thanks. Not realizing what they are rejecting and completely missing. Missing the fullness of the gospel, missing more of the Savior's mission, missing answers to life's questions, missing the chance to have their lives completely changed and to be completely and utterly happy.
           Many people don't even know what the Book of Mormon is. What is it? I think the preface to the book declares and explains it better than anything.
           I don't know who it is that reads my blog. I do not know why you read my blog. But whoever you are I want you to know that I KNOW the Book of Mormon is true. I know the accounts, the stories, the doctrines and messages found inside are true and from the Living God. I know it has the power to bring peace, healing, comfort, knowledge, joy, happiness, and a testimony that God lives and his Son Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World. I know that he did visit the American people after his resurrection and set up the way for us to find true happiness and joy.
           Have you read the Book of Mormon? Would you like to? What do you have to loose by reading it? Everything. What do you have to gain by reading it? Everything.
           You can read it online at: http://scriptures.lds.org/en/bm/contents
           You can have a hard copy delivered to you from missionaries.
           You can email me and I'll send you your own copy: satippetts@gmail.com

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Little Absent

           Blogging has taken a backseat recently as I’ve been trying to catch up on a big project with a LOOMING deadline.  Between working on that I’ve been trying to dejunk and simplify my house, start on holiday plans and work on Christmas projects.  I am normally the one who saves all the Christmas shopping and craft making to the week or two before Christmas and stress myself out. Not this year. I’m determined to get it done ahead of time so I can relax and spend time just enjoying the wonderful season.
           Last weekend we had a chance to skip out of town for a few days and visit Beau’s brother and my sister and their families in Idaho.  It was so fun to see them and have a chance to just talk.  Thanks for letting us hang out and crash your weekend guys!
           I have a whole list of posts in my head and just need some time to sit down and write them all up. Hence the huge need I feel lately to get my life and home in order.
           I’m hoping it won’t be long until you see me back on here with regular posts, and in the mean time I hope you are out enjoying this wonderful season yourself. :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Trying Times

           Today was a rough day being a mom. One of those days where you end the day wondering if you are going to severely mess your children up or realizing that you have sooo much work to do on being a parent.  By the end of the day I came to a few realizations after whining and tantrums, sibling fights, raised voices from all, tears, and frustration on every ones end.  I am realizing more and more how my kids are exact replica’s of myself. Their problems are really my problems.  Their bad habits were learned from my bad habits.  My inconsistency about things is only hurting them. If I can’t follow through, or expect exact obedience about things, how are they every going to learn how to be obedient to God.  If I don’t expect it, or follow through, or be consistent… they will grow up being lax about it as well. The other day in church I heard a quote from one of my favorite General Conference talks.
           “Faith is a gift of God bestowed as a reward for personal righteousness. It is always given when righteousness is present, and the greater the measure of obedience to God’s laws the greater will be the endowment of faith” (Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed. [1966], 264). If we desire more faith, we must be more obedient. When we teach our children by example or precept to be casual or situational in obeying God’s commandments, we prevent them from receiving this vital spiritual gift. Faith requires an attitude of exact obedience, even in the small, simple things.” -Elder Kevin Pearson
           That doesn’t mean that I demand them to do everything and rule the roost. No they need to learn to govern themselves. But when it is a time when I feel like it’s something important, I need to learn to pick which battles really do matter and which ones are worth fighting.  Because no matter what it will cause a fight, and if I choose to fight, it better be something of significant importance. And if it is, I need to make sure that I am consistent and follow through.  That can be so hard after hours and hours of your kids wearing down your patience and your will. But if I give in they learn that they can be lax, that they don’t really have to be obedient fully, they don’t have to give their all.  That’s not how I want my kids to grow up. I want them growing up being obedient and knowing why they they need to be. I want them to be able to do hard things, really hard things. I want them to develop self discipline and mastery over self.
           So if that’s what I want from my kids, is that what I am?  That was the other great lesson I learned today… hypocrisy.  At one point today during a fight the spirit reminded me of this quote from this last General Conference.
           “Being consistent in our homes is important for another reason. Many of the Savior’s harshest rebukes were directed to hypocrites. Jesus warned His disciples concerning the scribes and Pharisees: “Do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not” (Matthew 23:3). This strong admonition is sobering given the counsel to “express love—and show it,” to “bear testimony—and live it,” and to “be consistent.”
           The hypocrisy in our lives is most readily discerned and causes the greatest destruction within our own homes. And children often are the most alert and sensitive when it comes to recognizing hypocrisy.” – Elder David Bednar
           If I can’t have discipline over myself, how will I teach it to them? If I don’t do hard things, how can I expect them to? If I can’t be completely obedient how will they learn? Example is everything… but oh is it so hard!  When I realized a couple of times today that I was asking something of Mirian that was something I wasn’t doing, I realized what a hypocrite I am.  Funny how Satan sees you acting like a hypocrite and uses it as the starting point to contention, pride, and fighting among members of a family. How he uses contention to pull us apart.
           It’s like that with Mirian.  She can see right through you. She knows. And when I start demanding, she starts fighting, which leads to butting of heads and wills, high strung emotions, words and tears… which usually ends in both of us crying and hugging each other, feeling terrible.
           So this mother… has so much to work on.  I hate days like this, and yet days like this are the days that really let you see the problem, whether you like it or not.  I need to make sure I’m practicing what I preach.
           This layout of Mirian is my top favorite layout I’ve ever done. It made me smile too when at convention another designer told me that her favorite layout of mine was the one of my little girl throwing a tantrum….:) So in honor of a great day today… I thought this was a perfect fit!  Plus for all of you that think my life is perfect, that all my kids smile sweetly and are the angels I portray them to be; can know that this face right here, is a regular at our house.  And when I see it I think... ”Don’t worry. I know exactly how you feel.”
Don't Worry

Monday, November 9, 2009

Designer’s Life

           A couple of times a year we have the opportunity to write an article for the ScrapGirls newsletter. Today was my turn. I know this is a theme I’ve already talked about on here, but I thought I’d share the article with you anyway.

It's Time to Take Care of Me
           During a class recently, someone said to make sure to get enough water and sleep. She encouraged us to take care of ourselves physically, so that we can be the best that we can be.
           I agreed with her and didn't think much more about it - until later. She had given us some questions in class to ponder and, as I sat down to really think about them, I realized I couldn't even think. I realized how tired I was, how much my back and head hurt, and just how terrible I was feeling physically. I had been getting to bed late at night and still trying to get up really early in the morning. Many of those nights I had been woken up by children too. I had been eating terrible in contrast to a few weeks ago when I was only eating good, wholesome food and my body could feel it.
           Suddenly, the comments about making sure I was drinking water and getting enough sleep became significant. I realized how little importance I gave to making sure that my physical body is being taken care of more than anything else. I need to be giving all my time and energy to making sure that I'm eating well, getting to bed early, drinking lots of water, exercising and giving my body a break.
           I realized that by not doing so, I was only able to do things half-heartedly rather than giving my best and my absolute all. I couldn't be creative because my mind couldn't even think, let alone come up with creative ideas and solutions. My temperament was short with my children, which could lead to lots of other problems. My spiritual side was suffering because I would fall asleep during prayers or scripture study, or only give a half-hearted attempt. Mentally, I was not there fully. Physically, I was running on low gas. I did not have the energy to do all I needed to do, but also to just play and have fun. I was also feeling side effects like headaches, back pains and the consequences of poor eating habits. My emotional side was running really strong. It seemed to get stronger when I was tired and run down - every problem, decision or response was bigger than it needed to be.
           Everything was lacking and only done in a half-hearted way because I had neglected to take care of my body. This physical body has a much bigger role and importance in our life than we give it. We try to push it beyond what it can do. We abuse it and don't give it the care it needs. We don't give it rest and somehow expect that by doing all this we should be performing at our absolute best.
           No more, I decided. Taking care of this physical body MUST become first in my priorities - the very first. I cannot give my best and my all to my family until I do. I cannot love God with all my heart and develop a strong spiritual life if I don't. I can't be creative and really develop my talents and come up with new ideas if I don't. Plus, I won't live a long life if I don't. I cannot be the best me until this physical body is taken care of.
           My priorities have changed. I am trying to go to bed early, so I can rise early. I have been exercising every day to build and strengthen my body, but also to hopefully maintain a healthier weight. I am trying to be more conscious about what food I am putting into my mouth and how much I eat. I am trying to make sure I drink lots and lots of water.
           The result? I am already starting to feel better. I am seeing a difference. I am more patient with my children. I'm not an emotional time bomb. I'm not as stressed. I have felt my spiritual side improve. I feel like I'm being a better me, a better mother, wife, disciple, friend and artist.
           Do I succeed at this every day? No. Some days, I still stay up really late with my husband and feel the consequences the next day. Some days, I still eat junk food and feel it in my system. Some days, I add too much to my plate and stress myself out.
           The difference though? I'm finally aware of it. I'm finally aware of what my body is telling me. It's about time - time to take care of me, so I can take care of them.
           My favorite product I have designed: Holy Night Collection
           For many reasons, this will probably always be my favorite collection. When I created it, I wanted to create a collection about the real and true meaning of Christmas. I wanted it to have the feel of the sacred and incredible event that it was. While designing, it was one of the few kits that I've ever done that flowed easily from beginning to end and it turned out better than I ever hoped. It is the only kit where I got to truly share a huge part of myself, my faith and my love for the Lord, together in a finished collection. It's also the only collection I didn't care whether or not I sold any. I created it for Him, in recognition of what happened that Holy Night in Bethlehem and what is truly the most important thing in this world - the gift of His son.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

           I hope you had a wonderful Halloween. For once I was able to actually make the costumes and get them done in time! I don’t know how many years it’s been since that happened.  Here’s my little bat, Mulan, ladybug and unicorn.
           Isaac saw these teeth at the store and wanted them.  They are a little big, but has has not let go of them since. They are his “mountain lion teeth.”  He goes around wearing them growling and pouncing on people.  He had such a great time trick or treating. We had to tell him numerous time to only take “one.”  At one point we were walking down the side walk and you could see this little bat outline, dancing as he walked singing “Candy, candy, candy.”
           I turned around and found this little girl had climbed up on the chair by herself and had found the stash for the trick or treaters.  She new exactly what she wanted.
           We had a great night of trick or treating, and went to Savannah’s school Halloween parade.  Friday night we decided this family needed to have some fun together so we decided to go bowling. This is the first time Isaac finally was old enough to play. He could not get enough of it.  It involved balls, knocking things down and he had the time of his life.
           I’m hoping for an amazing week - getting lots of things done, getting back in a schedule, and doing a few fun things around here. Saying goodbye to October. It was such a good month minus the being sick part.  I’m looking forward to the upcoming Holidays, more of fall, snow, and fun all around.
October 2009 158
October 2009 183October 2009 244-1October 2009 214 October 2009 201October 2009 239
October 2009 240-1