Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Little Absent

           Blogging has taken a backseat recently as I’ve been trying to catch up on a big project with a LOOMING deadline.  Between working on that I’ve been trying to dejunk and simplify my house, start on holiday plans and work on Christmas projects.  I am normally the one who saves all the Christmas shopping and craft making to the week or two before Christmas and stress myself out. Not this year. I’m determined to get it done ahead of time so I can relax and spend time just enjoying the wonderful season.
           Last weekend we had a chance to skip out of town for a few days and visit Beau’s brother and my sister and their families in Idaho.  It was so fun to see them and have a chance to just talk.  Thanks for letting us hang out and crash your weekend guys!
           I have a whole list of posts in my head and just need some time to sit down and write them all up. Hence the huge need I feel lately to get my life and home in order.
           I’m hoping it won’t be long until you see me back on here with regular posts, and in the mean time I hope you are out enjoying this wonderful season yourself. :)

1 comment:

  1. Love that beautiful layout! :) And I know how you feel about simplifying and de-junking. I'm in the midst of it myself. We can do it! :D And we are enjoying our November weather, although it's a far cry from you guys (87 degrees yesterday, the nation's high or something!!). We try to enjoy it. :)


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