Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

           I hope you had a wonderful Halloween. For once I was able to actually make the costumes and get them done in time! I don’t know how many years it’s been since that happened.  Here’s my little bat, Mulan, ladybug and unicorn.
           Isaac saw these teeth at the store and wanted them.  They are a little big, but has has not let go of them since. They are his “mountain lion teeth.”  He goes around wearing them growling and pouncing on people.  He had such a great time trick or treating. We had to tell him numerous time to only take “one.”  At one point we were walking down the side walk and you could see this little bat outline, dancing as he walked singing “Candy, candy, candy.”
           I turned around and found this little girl had climbed up on the chair by herself and had found the stash for the trick or treaters.  She new exactly what she wanted.
           We had a great night of trick or treating, and went to Savannah’s school Halloween parade.  Friday night we decided this family needed to have some fun together so we decided to go bowling. This is the first time Isaac finally was old enough to play. He could not get enough of it.  It involved balls, knocking things down and he had the time of his life.
           I’m hoping for an amazing week - getting lots of things done, getting back in a schedule, and doing a few fun things around here. Saying goodbye to October. It was such a good month minus the being sick part.  I’m looking forward to the upcoming Holidays, more of fall, snow, and fun all around.
October 2009 158
October 2009 183October 2009 244-1October 2009 214 October 2009 201October 2009 239
October 2009 240-1


  1. Nice job on the costumes. They are very cute!!

  2. Ya just never cease to amaze me!!! You must tell me how you do it on a budget! Hope to see ya'll soon!


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