Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hanging in there

           Well we are going on day 12 of being sick. I’m basically over the worse part, but still have that lingering stuffiness.  Pretty nasty stuff. Most of my kids still have it, and I can easily say I can’t wait for this to go away.  I can’t wait for things to get a little bit more back to normal. Until then we’re hanging in there.  The next couple of days are going to be spent sewing up some Halloween costumes and getting things ready for this weekend.
           Sometime we still need to make it to the pumpkin patch to pick up a few these babies.  We love this time of year and we love Halloween. We always have big plans and then something always comes up… sickness?  Which leaves us frantically trying to get costumes together, and no pumpkin carving sessions. Hopefully that doesn’t happen again this season. I’m hoping all you are doing well and healthy.


  1. That stinks that everyone is sick. I hope you all get on the upswing soon. What a way to start off the holiday season!

  2. Sounds like my home. Preparing quickly on Halloween itself because again we are late :) Hope you are all doing well by Saturday and you can enjoy!

  3. Hello Shalae, I was just dropping by to wish you a very happy Halloween, when I found this post about you all being struck down with illness! So sorry to hear that, and really hope you all get better soon!


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