Monday, October 12, 2009


Convention 7_2009
           Every mother needs a whole week to herself at least once a year to do something for herself.  I just got back this last weekend from an amazing week at convention.  I met incredible women from all over the world. I had time to spend quality time with some of my dearest friends on our team. I had a chance to just relax, be myself, do something for me, take a break from being a mom and realize that I am also still Shalae. Realizing that we (all us mothers) too are individuals who also occasionally need to take care of ourselves, do something for us, and deepen personal friendships.
           I came home so relaxed, stress free (despite looming deadlines), full of hope, full of emotions from saying goodbye and with a new understanding of why I’m here at ScrapGirls. That was one of the greatest things about being here.  After lots of thoughts about what my art is intended for, and where I should be focusing it, I left knowing that it was here. God placed me here for a reason. My heart was led here along with hundreds of other amazing women and I never intend to leave.
           I came home a much happier person and a much happier mom who could deal with the tantrums and whining. I came home with more love to give, and a huge appreciation and love for my husband who wants me to participate in things like this and makes it possible. I’m ready to tackle anything. I’m ready to find better balance in my life. I’m ready to create. I’m ready to be a mom.  I’m ready to develop these friendships I made even deeper. I’m ready.  Ready for so many things.


  1. I love your post and I completely feel the same way! :) It was so great to see you. Absolutely refreshing. :)


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