Saturday, October 17, 2009

Self Portraits

           I don’t know when the last time it was that I actually had someone take pictures of just me.  Maybe it was when I was a High School Senior. Way too long ago. Since then I have a few other pictures taken of me.  The kind where it’s taken from arms length away in hopes that you can get a good angle and get most of you in the shot. I have plenty that my kids have taken of me randomly, which are always so flattering. A few taken when we are together as a family, but me by myself… none.
           So I took advantage that Laurel was coming to convention and paid her to get some good photos of me.  Ones I can use for my design work and that I would actually want to sit on my husbands desk at work. I think she did a great job.  How many of you moms out there have a good picture of yourself.  Probably none of you. Go and take one, but not using the one arm extended method.
           I think she did a great job. She’s an awesome photographer.


  1. You are right, I doubt many moms have pictures done of just themselves!! They turned out really good and you look really good.

  2. I've decided no pictures can be taken of me until I am done having kids (and of course after the liposuction!) You look great and she did a good job!!!

  3. I love these pictures. You look GORGEOUS!

  4. Congratulations on doing this for yourself! Your picture came out wonderfully, you are beautiful!

  5. Oh, and I thought it was so wise what you said, that sometimes when we do something that's "just for ourselves", it's for others too! This will be a wonderful picture for your husband to have on his desk!

  6. Oh Shalae, you are so beautiful! It was easy to get some great shots of you. :) Seriously, your smile is contagious. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to capture you. I'm sure Beau will love having you on his desk! :)

  7. Those are great pictures of you Shalae. You look gorgeous!

  8. Pictures look fabulous Shalae! I'm glad I'm not the only that holds the camera out to try and get a snapshot of my face. Or I've also tried to have my kids take a picture of me and yeah that one turns out about as well. Good for you to get some real one taken!

  9. Goodness, You are GORGEOUS!!! You have such beautiful eyes, Shalae!
    Those are beautiful pictures.

  10. Truly gorgeous! And your inner beauty is even more so! ;)


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