Monday, October 5, 2009

Time For Myself

           Today I am leaving to attend the Scrap Girls Convention.  Can I tell you how much I am looking forward to this week.  Five days of no children calling mom, mom, mom, mom over and over again. Going where ever I want when ever I want without having to put shoes on 8 wriggling feet, find 4 coats, packing the diaper bag, reminding people to hurry and buckling everyone up.  I get to have someone else cook for me, as well as eat all my meals hot.  Five nights of a bed all to myself with no extra kids wriggling in it and taking up all my space – which means 5 nights of good sleep!  Quiet time to myself to just rejuvenate. Five days of incredible people, wonderful friends, time with my fellow designers and team and just pure fun.   No worries, by the end of the week I’ll be happy to see my kid smiling faces. They will all look like they just grew up over night and I’ll once again realize how blessed I am.  Here’s to a great week. I might be a little absent in the blogging world, or who knows - maybe I’ll have lots to share!  And here is to one GOOD amazing husband who will be holding down the fort while I am gone.


  1. Shalae-
    Have a great trip!! That sounds so wonderful. What a great husband you have!

  2. Enjoy it!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear what you have to say.

  3. I'm so happy for you! And incredibly jealous that I don't get to go this year. :( But have a wonderful time - you really deserve it!

  4. Have a fabulous time... plenty of rest and fun! Please send my love to everyone ;) x


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