Monday, October 19, 2009


           The last little bit I’ve been busy trying to get this Fab 5 collection ready for ScrapGirls 5th Anniversary! 5 items for $1.55. It correlates along with many of the other designers Fab 5 Collections as well.  It was such a fun collaborative project to work on. I can’t believe that it has been 4 years since I started designing for them. My life has not been the same since.  I have made incredible, life long friends. I have grown in incredible, unbelievable ways in my artistic skills and creativity.  I have learned so much and it has been such a blessing for us to have this option as we have been plugging through school.  God sent me here for so many purposes, and everyday I’m grateful to be a part of this amazing place.
           I also finished up a few other new products.
           These have been so much fun to play with.  My way of getting paint on my layouts. :)
           I finished up another Photoshop style set.  With a click of the button you can add the look of various papers to all kinds of stuff. Too much fun. I have to admit that I’m pretty addicted to styles.
           The last few days I’ve caught something which has moved to the chest.  Not fun when every part of your body hurts. So we’re trying to take it easy, not over do things and see if we can get over this quickly. What are the chances?  I have lots of things I’ve been wanting to blog about.  Some thoughts from In the Fish Bowl, some stuff from convention, some inspiration and a few more layouts. They’ll have to wait for another day.
           Thanks for all your sweet comments on the Self Portraits. You guys sure know how to make a girl blush, and get a little more confidence in herself all at the same time.
STI_FabFive_MKTG_600 STI_FabFive_LO_600 STI_SSPaper_Painting_MGKT_600 STI_SSTools_Styles_Paper4901_MGKT_600

1 comment:

  1. I always love the bright color palettes and the textures that you use in your work. :)


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