Saturday, November 21, 2009

Another Testament

           The Christian world as a whole believe that the only record we have of Jesus Christ and his mission is the Bible. They do not know that there is another testament of him found in the Book of Mormon. After his resurrection and ascension into heaven to his father he fulfilled the scripture John 10:16 - "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd." He then visited his other fold of sheep on the America Continent. That record of his visit, his teachings and his continued role as Savior is found within the Book of Mormon in 3rd Nephi, chpt 8 - 30.
           It happened. It is true. I have read the account numerous times. The Spirit has testified of it many times. This account has changed my life. The Book of Mormon has changed my life. It can bring you closer to God than any other book. I know that without any doubt. I recently had the opportunity to share my testimony of the Book of Mormon with a Christian friend of mine. Sometimes in the busyness of the day and the many things to do, you forget what incredible blessings you have. The Book of Mormon is that for me. As I had a chance to tell her about it and encourage her to read it for herself to find out if it was true, I once again felt that incredible love for this book and the power of the Spirit declaring to me that it is true. It made me want to share it with everyone. It made me wish everyone would read it and ask for themselves. It made me sad for those that because of pride, apathy or hardened hearts will brush it off and say no thanks. Not realizing what they are rejecting and completely missing. Missing the fullness of the gospel, missing more of the Savior's mission, missing answers to life's questions, missing the chance to have their lives completely changed and to be completely and utterly happy.
           Many people don't even know what the Book of Mormon is. What is it? I think the preface to the book declares and explains it better than anything.
           I don't know who it is that reads my blog. I do not know why you read my blog. But whoever you are I want you to know that I KNOW the Book of Mormon is true. I know the accounts, the stories, the doctrines and messages found inside are true and from the Living God. I know it has the power to bring peace, healing, comfort, knowledge, joy, happiness, and a testimony that God lives and his Son Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World. I know that he did visit the American people after his resurrection and set up the way for us to find true happiness and joy.
           Have you read the Book of Mormon? Would you like to? What do you have to loose by reading it? Everything. What do you have to gain by reading it? Everything.
           You can read it online at:
           You can have a hard copy delivered to you from missionaries.
           You can email me and I'll send you your own copy:


  1. I hope you reached someone with that message. It was wonderful! I didn't get to tell you thanks for introducing me to LDSJournal. I LOVE IT! Thanks for putting links to the scriptures as well. You had mentioned that and I never asked for the link. SO THANKS!

  2. What a wonderful video Shalae! I admire you for being able to talk about your faith in such a passionate and beautiful manner! Thanks for sharing it with us ... I LOVE to read it ;)

  3. The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.



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