Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Little of Everything

It's been a while... and it's literally impossible to catch up with it all. So I'm not going to even try. Instead here's a few glimpses of thoughts, happenings, news.... anything random. :)

My kids have enjoyed the puppet theater grandma made them for Christmas. Here we are enjoying a rendition of How to Tame Your Dragon while having popcorn. Nothing gets better than this.

I'm excited about going to the BYU Basketball game tonight with my husband. Our 2nd in 9 years of attending BYU. Pathetic huh.....

I enjoyed the morning with the three kiddo's feeding ducks, playing at the park and having a picnic. It was a bit nippy, but boy did it feel good to be outdoors.

Really hoping this "new baby" joining us in August is going to be boy. I'm glad to be over the sickness, and feeling pretty decent. Everything has gone well with this pregnancy and we'll find out whether it will be that boy Isaac and I are hoping for in a couple of weeks. (Yes this is an announcement. So if you had no idea, you aren't the only one.)

I'm really excited for this contest with spoonflower and Michael Miller Fabrics. It never hurts to try right! :)

After years of getting up early and having my time in the morning to myself, I'm about to go nuts with the habit our children have gotten into of also getting up at 5:30 in the morning ready to go. All of them awake by 6:00. Where have my quiet mornings gone! (I've always wanted to have my kids get in the habit of arising early, and to bed early.... but now my selfish wants are really fighting this.) So either I have to get up earlier, or figure out how to deal with this issue.....

Since we were up early, and everyone was ready way before school today we enjoy a little bit of competition between the kids having a tug of war, leg wrestling and stick pulling. It was great!

Just a small taste of life right now.


  1. Congrats Shalae! I'm so happy for you guys. I wish I could share my secret, you would be guaranteed a boy! :)

  2. Congratulations, Shalae! That's so exciting!

  3. Shalae! Congratulations!! I hope you get the boy you're wanting, but you guys have the cutest kids, so either way it'll be adorable :)

  4. Yay Shalae! It is official! That is so exciting to read the news! Congrats to you guys! Glad to see you post too.

  5. Congrats Shalae!!! It sounds like I need to give you a phone call! Love you lots! I hope things continue to go well for you!

  6. Congrats Shalae! I am glad I read the blog to find this out. I hope everything goes well for you. I am so excited! Love you!!!

  7. Congratulations!!!! Can you believe you will soon be a mother of 5?!?! I am so glad that you are doing well with this pregnancy :)

  8. Congratulations, Shalae. I am so happy for you! You're such a good Mom.


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