Thursday, March 24, 2011

Surprise, Surprise!

Yesterday we found out that another girl will be joining our family in August. We were all hoping for a little boy... we're a little out numbered in that direction. Even more so now. :) We weren't sure how disappointed the kids would be when we told them. When I told Mirian she replied "Another Girl?! Really?" And then started laughing. They weren't too disappointed. They're pretty excited. I'm glad that I have children that really enjoy having brothers and sisters, and get so excited about having another one join our family.

A couple of weeks a go, I started drawing up some little animals in Illustrator to start learning the program, and it evolved this new "JIF 6 Plus: Lil' One." A way for me to get excited and celebrate a new addition to the family and a healthy pregnancy.

These digital stickers felt like such an accomplishment. I've been trying to learn how to draw in illustrator for a long time, and I think it has finally clicked in my brain how these vectors work. Yeah... so it's been addicting drawing with it. I still have lots to learn, and skills to perfect but it was a breakthrough!

layout by Laurel Lakey

Here's to more pink, dresses, princesses, emotions, and little mothers.


  1. Congratulations!! Another girl :) More pink in the house! LOVE your drawings and collection. So precious!!

  2. Can you ever really have enough pink? I say no :) Just think how fun Easter's will be, it's my favorite time of year when I get to doll the girls up. This year I have matching dresses, I can't wait!!! You are amazingly talented, the layouts are beautiful!!

  3. Congrats!!! Hey at least they didn't get mad and almost cry like Abbey did when we found out the twins were going to be boys. Have you been able to come up with any girls names yet? Hey maybe you'll be surprised and it will still be a boy ;) I know a handful of people that has happened to. Anyways congrats all the same! I'm glad things are going well for you!

  4. Congratulations! I love your new kit and those animals the cutest darn things. So happy for you all!

  5. Congratulations! We're thrilled for your whole family. I'm really glad your pregnancy is going well this time.
    Funny that you're having another girl. We don't really know how to do that at our house apparently, ha ha ha.
    And August 13th happens to be a great day to have a birthday if she's wondering when to come :)

  6. Congratulations! I am excited for you all. I hope everything goes well and am excited to have a new niece coming. She will be a cutie I'm sure. I actually found a cute outfit for a girl, now I can pick it up...If I can only remember where I saw it at. Congrats and love you!

  7. Shalae- you are so talented! I'm sure that little girl cannot wait to join your special family.


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