Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'd love your vote!

I thought I would try the contest at Spoonflower - Project Selvage. A fabric design contest for baby boys. I made it past the first cut and am one of the 75 semi-finalists. It's now open to the public for voting, to narrow it down to the 10 finalists who ill then go on and design 5 more coordinating fabrics. From there the winner is chosen to have their line of fabric printed through Michael Miller Fabrics. I thought it might be fun to at least try. If you like it enough that you feel it's worthy of your vote, I'd love to have it! I think it would be fun to try and come up with 5 more coordinating fabrics.


  1. Just finished voting for ya! Good Luck!

  2. Cute cute cute! Good luck, I hope you win!

  3. Of course I votes for you!! This is absolutely awesome Shalae! Good luck!

  4. Just voted for you and linked this up to my facebook as well! Good luck!


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