Thursday, February 28, 2008

Inside stuff

           I did get some designing in today! Yeah! It felt so good. The color scheme was inspired by the front of the Hallmark magazine last month. I have this picture thanks to my little photographers, who somehow got the camera when I wasn't looking. :) They are similar to my refresh colors I realize now that I've been working on the papers, but what can I say, I love pink, bold fun colors and can't seem to stay away from them.
Saturday after a long week, I snuck away to the library and flipped through a stackfull of magazines looking for inspiration for products, kits, you name it. Pages and pages later of thoughts, sketches, and ideas to expand and develop more I left relaxed and ready to get creative!

           I am keeping my goal of drawing people, even though I've been terrible about posting them here. So here are pages and pages of quick sketches as right now I'm just focusing on proportions, the basics of the face and just getting the proportions and layout engraved in my mind. Plus it's sort of relaxing to just pump out very simple basic shapes of faces over and over and over again. I came across an awesome book on drawing heads and people. I love the technique and the method that he teaches you to approach it. It is so different from all the ways I've been taught from art teachers, and I like his approach A LOT. I like his style and it fits me. So I'm excited to keep working with it.

A New Day

           It is a new day, and I'm going to make the most of it. We were supposed to be up at 5 to get started on it, and the alarm never went off.... so we've got to start cracking it now! I've got a couple of hours that I'm helping the sick sister again this morning, and and couple of hours without the kids to either clean up the house or design... I wonder which one will win over. :) I've been dying to design for days, and no time has allowed, so I'm going to give it some time today. This weekend we'll be heading to Idaho for the blessing of my sister's new little baby.
           Beau has got a little over a week to get his 80 page thesis done. Poor guy, feeling a little pressure lately, especially when he is really short on time. But we're going to get something done today and we're just going to go do it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Let It Go.

           It's been one of those days. Nothing went as planned. I had so much I wanted to do, and so much that I NEEDED to do. Get caught up on housework, go play with the kids outside, babysit for my neighbor, and finish up a few new products for today. Sometimes you have to just let it all go and at the end of the day not think about what you didn't do, or didn't accomplish but instead what you did do.
           Early this morning I got a phone call from a lady in our church who is on bedrest, has two small children and just recently delivered her third. She is still having problems after the birth and has been in the hospital quite a bit. She is now home but needs help all day. Our church has tried to arrange times for people to go in and help her, but today they didn't have the day filled and those that were scheduled canceled.
           She called me up wondering if I knew of anyone that could help her. Isaac had just gone down for a nap, and I was supposed to babysit my friends 3 kids here shortly. I spent a good 30 minutes to an hour looking for someone that could help, and was able to get a hold of one sister that said she could help at 12:30, which was a couple of hours away. The poor sister needed help right now.
           I talked to my friend and she willing took my kids on spur of the moment, while I spent the morning helping this sick sister until someone else could come and take a shift. I then needed to take my replacement's two kids with me since she couldn't have them at the sisters house who was trying to rest. I spent the rest of my day watching 7 kids under the age of 4. I was so grateful for the sister that volunteered to help me out, and another one that called me back and offered to help later that afternoon too, taking care of this sick sister. It was such a blessing and I am so grateful for them.
           By the time Beau got home from school and 6 hours later when the last kid finally left, I was beat and still am. Beau tells me "Just think, watching all these kids 7 or 8 of them at a time, is just getting you warmed up and practiced up for number 4 when it arrives. When it comes, 4 will seem like a breeze." No kidding. My house is still not cleaned, the laundry is still piled up, the kid's bedroom is even more messy, dinner was overdone (and none of the kids wanted to eat it), no designing happened, and we had some last minute visitors that were here for about an hour.
           That's the point that you have to let it go. Instead you need to think of the fact that you helped a poor sister who really needed your help, you did get some of the dishes done, you helped two other sisters by taking care of their kids so they could serve, and do what they needed to do. You got dinner made, which at one point was looking like it was impossible, and you did get to enjoy about 30 minutes of fresh spring air outside while the kids ran out all their energy. Thank goodness for springtime, fresh air, warm weather, a husband who understands why I'm completely wiped out when he gets home, a dear friend who was willing to take my kids at last minute this morning so I could go and help and the fact that there is always tomorrow to get today's stuff done, and it will really be ok. Just let it go. Just go crawl in bed and get some sleep.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


           Wow what a couple of busy days. Yesterday was spent working on a project trying to finish it up, doing things around the house, playing with the kids and having an overall really productive good day. This morning I woke up exhausted (I've been having trouble sleeping lately... annoying) and have had one massive headache all day. Spent the morning in Salt Lake babysitting my sisters kids, and rushed home to be less than productive with this pounding behind my eyes. It's 8:00 and my husband is working late on his research helicopter for some film crew coming tomorrow. So I might just call it a night and go crawl in bed.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Faith Journey Crop

           Tomorrow night I'm going to be hosting a Faith Journey Crop at ScrapGirls in the chatroom @ 9:00 EST. It's basically a chance for those of all types of faith to get together and share their experiences and beliefs. It's a great chance to get strength from others who are trying to live their own faith. We will be encouraging them to write down or to scrap those spiritual experiences, trials, and things that are important to them and their growing faith.
           Tomorrow night will be a pretty general topic of - "Your personal journey of faith." It will be relaxed with a chance to get to know those that would like to participate, and learning about each others background in their beliefs and where they are on their own personal journey. There will be a PDF given out with journaling topics, quotes, scriptures and the sample layout above using one of the journaling topics: What is the most important thing about your faith that you could leave your children or posterity?
           We are hoping to continue having one every month on the 3rd Wednesday, and each time there will be a new topic. We'll also post the pdf here for any of you that might enjoy going through it and journaling your own thoughts of about the spiritual aspects of your life.
           Feel free to join us! We would love to have anyone and all faiths are welcome. Just go to ScrapGirls and click on the the chat button. If it's your first time you will need to give a username for it to show up, and you need to have java installed on your computer. It will guide you through it.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Our Own Tiny Art

           This whole day was just a good day. In every way. I told the girls that we would paint this afternoon, which they are always excited about. So we cut up some small pieces of acrylic paper and let them go to town creating their own tiny art work. I was proud of Mirian. She is our abstract artist most of the time, but after helping her draw her own circle she put in the eyes, nose, mouth and hair all by herself. She declared that it was a picture of her with bangs. Savannah did great too. She's finally catching the vision of actually painting a subject rather than just push paint around on paper. They were so proud of themselves and couldn't wait to run into the computer room to show dad. We even had to hang our own little gallery on the wall too.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lots of Love

           I love Valentines day. It's such a great holiday. Ironically I hated it when I was single, but it's just too much fun when you take the time to do things for others. Our morning started off with heart shaped pink pancakes with raspberries and whipped cream. We braved the cold weather and pushed our stroller out in the snow to deliver valentines to the girl's friends. We then went to the store to find the fixings for heart shaped cheesecake tonight for Beau and for the kids to pick up some of his favorite candy for him.

           The afternoon couldn't get any better. I finished up a book I was making for Beau, while the girls drew cards and colored them to give to daddy when he got home. They were so excited. Savannah has declared it her favorite holiday. She was pretty excited when Beau gave them his special valentine that he constructed and when her neighbor friend brought by some candy and cookies for the girls. They are walking on air feeling loved from every direction. Every kid needs to have a great valentines holiday where they are spoiled by everyone so the they feel extra special.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I definitely picked a winner!

           Today my husband won my heart again. He's pretty good at that. We were planning on going out to dinner at a really nice place for our Valentines date last night. It was a frustrating day of trying to clean the house for inspections from managment, (which was supposed to be today -more to vent on this later)and not having much progress with three kids running around making a mess as soon as I cleaned it up. I was supposed to take Savannah to dance class and as soon as I got home my husband would meet me here and we would head right up to Salt Lake so we could make our reservation in time.
           By the time dance class rolled around I was in a pretty depressed, frustrated mood. I wanted to have the house done before I left so that I wouldn't have to come home and do deep cleaning all night after our date. I went to find something to wear, and could not find me one decent shirt that was maternity, classy,wasn't a t-shirt or sporting bleach or food stains. Here we were going to a fancy resturant and I was going to have to walk in wearing a t-shirt. Put me in a foul mood for sure.
           So we rushed off to dance class, leaving the mess behind with no other alternatives. We ran to a store fast and did what any sane mom does when she has only 15 minutes to shop for a classy shirt, with three kids in a cart. There's no way you can take them in the dressing room with you. They would be peeping toms and crawling under all the stalls to the other poor ladies or else opening the door exposing me to everyone. I couldn't leave them in the cart, someone would be sure to fall or wisked off by a stranger. So what do you do when you have no choice. You pick your top three choices, do your best on guessing sizes and pray that one of them will fit when you get home to try them on and then return the others to the store later. (Or keep them if they all fit and count yourself lucky that you now have a few more shirts to wear:))
           We made it dance class late where she had a great time and then off we rushed to get home. I dropped the kids off at the neighbors and then rushed in change. praying that I had a shirt in that bag that would work.
           I walked into the kitchen to find a Valentines banner hanging, and hearts all over the cupboard, and wondering how this got there so fast since my husband should be arriving any moment. Well there he was finishing sweeping. It was then that I realized that not only was there a nice banner hanging as I walked into the house, the house was spotless. The kitchen was immaculate, the front room all nice and clean. All I could get out of my mouth was "your going to make me cry" before I lost it to all the tears. He has no idea how much it meant. All the stress and frustrations of the day just quickly disappeared, I could enjoy my date with him without the weight of going home to deep clean afterwards. It meant the world right then.

           We were able to enjoy our evening out, enjoying good food, a gorgeous view and great company. Here's to another amazing Valentines day from my husband.
           (I can take no credit for the blended pictures of us at dinner, I totally stole it from my friend Mandy when she posted their anniversary ones. Sorry I couldn't come up with my own creativity Mandy! :))

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Inspiring Day

           Today was one of those inspiring days in so many ways. I had the chance to spend 2 hours in a conference listening to council from our General church leaders on raising families. I learned so much, and had a lot of those a-ha moments that hit me based on my own circumstances or trials I've been going through. Words of encouragement and things I need to do better at. It was wonderful. Pages and pages of notes of things I can't wait to share over time and start working on in my life.
           The afternoon was spent just relaxing with each other. With Beau gone so much at night for meetings and all day Sunday... Saturdays are those rare wonderful days when he is home. Sometimes, as he says, we just want to sit around and hang out with each other. Enjoy the fact that everyone is home. The kids just love to sit there on dad's lap and cuddle with him during times like today.
           We also went to the library where I picked up some books to hopefully help me on some of these art goals I shared. I'm excited about them. I always have to tell myself not to go over board. I sometimes pull everything off the shelf with intentions of learning from all of them, but I never have the time to go through that many books, and so I never really learn and glean the information that I need to. So I tried to hold myself back and pick up a couple of good ones that can help me start working on increasing my skills. So I've been dying to sit down to play and read!
           Then tonight we had another church meeting for Stake Conference which happens every 6 months. It was great to actually be able to sit with Beau, rather than myself. It was inspiring and lots of great things were shared on how to become better disciples of Christ. I need this day. It gave me some direction and something to work on in the spiritual aspect of my life as well as with my family and art. I love days like this.

Friday, February 8, 2008


           This afternoon Mandy and I had a great chat trying to determine where we wanted to go with YourActual as well as just goals and desires we had to do with our art. I love that girl! She inspires me all the way around! As a person, an artist, a mother and as a Christian. She is just one cool girl. It is amazing to me that I can connect with a person some much, whom I've only met in real life for no more than 8 hours. We live states away from each other and yet my life will never be the same from having met her.
           During our conversation we came to the conclusion, that the purpose of why we did your actual was fulfilled. That purpose was mainly to make us accountable to someone else (namely each other) for doing some art once a week. We've felt like it has done that, but that right now in our lives it is just another thing to do. We feel the Lord pulling us in another direction right now, and so we've decided to stop continuing Your Actual.
           Instead we are excited about what this frees us to do. (There's your word Mandy!) One being some personal art goals that we both have. We want to share those journeys with you here on our blogs. We are still accountable to each other but we are headed in a different direction, which I'm very excited about. We talked about some goals that we both have, and directions we feel the Lord is taking us. I came up with a couple that I know I need to do and thought I could focus on more this next little while. Plus if I actually write them down here then I'm also accountable to all of you blog readers too. Right?!
           1. Take more photos. I need to take more photos, one reason is for references when I do my art. Another purpose is to actually be a part in my art. I need to expand what I have available to me, and I would really like to develop this skill more for some future goals that I have. Also to not be afraid to ask people if I can take their pictures and to actually get some model releases, so that I can actually use them in my own artwork.
           2. Draw people. I know I need to draw people. I'm drawn to people. And to be honest it SCARES ME TO DEATH! It's one of those things that I want to do more than anything, and yet it is something that I have this huge fear of failing in and so I totally avoid it. I see all these incredible artists out there that are amazing at drawing people, and I feel so insecure about my ability to draw them. But that SHOULD NOT MATTER! I will not get any better by never doing it. I need to do it. So my goal is to start drawing people. Start drawing the parts of people, really learn how to draw them realistically, and portray it accurately. But most of all to be able to portray the emotions and feelings of people. (I'm a long way from that.) But I can start by learning to draw the eye better, then then nose, then the lips, then the face as a whole and move on from there. 

           So there are my two goals. My two things that I want to work on here in the next little bit. I hope to show you my progress as I go as well. To be accountable to you.
           So keep asking me where the photos and drawings are.

Dream Kitchen

           I wish I had a kitchen like this. It would put a smile on my face every morning, until I tried to actually cook with those spoons! But it would still be a creative boost to get me going!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Our BIG Daily Something

           This is my daily something for today, a pretty big daily something actually. We made it till now and we are 1/2 way through! Today we found out that another bundle of pink is going to be joining our family at the end of June. We were sure it was a boy, but a pleasant surprise we got instead. Ironically, right after we got pregnant Savannah came up to me and told me I was pregnant with baby girl. She wanted a baby sister and was insistent about it. Even when we tried to tell her we weren't going to have a baby for a while, and that it could be a boy. She was adament that it was a girl. I broke the news to the girls today that we were going to have a baby and it was going to be a girl. She thinks we should name it Sally. I think not. I've never had a better pregnancy, I haven't even felt pregnant. So it's been great! So to me it still seems unreal except for the expanding stomach part. Hard to believe #4 is on the way. Wasn't it just yesterday as I wondering if I would ever get married?

Sunday, February 3, 2008


"If you don't have the passion for what you are doing - What are you doing?"
- Mark Ritchie