Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Great thought

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.
- Albert Schweitzer

Who has continually lit the flame within me?

  • My childhood friend Kristin Fielding
  • My mother
  • My brother in law Nic Delgado
  • My husband
  • Mandy Steward
  • A religion professor Gerald Hansen

           Special moments when the Lord has rekindled it through promptings of the spirit or the scriptures.
           Various random people throughout my life that said or did one thing that change my perspective, showed me an incredible example, or made me want to change.
           Thank you. I am who I am because of you.
           (Thanks Mindy for sharing this quote - made me really think.)

Blessed #3

           I had no idea what I was getting myself into 3 years ago when I applied at ScrapGirls to be a designer. I was just looking for an option for a creative outlet, and yet help out a little while Beau was going to school while things were a little tight. I thought it would be a great way to be home with my kids, still do my art and bring in a little extra.
           I was not prepared for the incredible friendships I would make with people all over the world. I was not prepared for the amazing creative feast it is for me to work with my fellow designers. They are so amazingly talented and push me so much in my own creative work. They are good, amazing, wonderful caring people. They are wonderful friends. One of the things that I missed the most when I graduated from college was the creative environment I had on a daily basis with other artists. I missed it more than I thought, and working with these amazing ladies has filled a huge void there. It has been so wonderful!
           I never knew the wonderful people that I would meet and get to know through the boards, our customers, our layout team, our welcoming team etc. These ladies are incredible. It's so fun to work with people of different backgrounds, different faiths, who all love each other, care for each other and enjoy each other so much.
           I never knew when I applied how lucky I would be to work with Ro (the owner) and Valerie (the Partner) and their management team... brandie, angie, and other behind the scenes people... Heidi, Laurel. The dedication that these ladies have to not only making an incredible site, but to create an incredible place to be, and a wonderful community to be a part of is humbling. It was so amazing to attend convention this October. To meet people literally all over the world, people from all walks of life who love and are so accepting of each other. You feel like you are just old friends., but really just meeting for the first time. It's an amazing experience.
           I'm so blessed to be able to work with them all online, and yet get to hang out with them and meet up with them at least once or twice a year. I get to help our family out financially with the extra money and what a huge blessing that is. These last three years I have been able to grow so much in my own artistic abilities which has amazed me.
           Right now I am SO grateful for this little purple place and all the people that are a part of it.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Little Brother

           I ran across this layout I did last month for club and thought it was fitting for this gratitude week as well.
           Here's the journaling: With 3 sisters I am very grateful to have you, my only brother. A person who naturally thinks different and behaves differently just because he is a boy. You have been one that always had a carefree attitude. You were positive and have one of the biggest hearts that I know of. You would do anything for anyone. You were always helping the widow up the street. You could always talk to a complete stranger and make them feel totally comfortable. Even though I am the oldest and you are the youngest I am grateful for the way that you have always been there for mom and dad. You have helped with the business when things were tough and you are home helping them with projects when they need it. You have always been there for them. I have not always been around or lived close enough to go home regularly to help. For that I am grateful for your huge heart, your willing hands and your positive attitude. I am especially grateful that you are my brother.

I am blessed #2

           I tend to think we don't fully realize the amount of influence our spouse will have on us when we get married. We are in love, we never want to be apart and we want to experience life with them. We know that at points it will be tough and hard, but I also don't think we have even a clue how good life will be with them. Amazingly good. Today I am so grateful for this man.
           I am so grateful to my Father in Heaven for sending him into my life. I had no idea how much I was missing before I met him. He completes and compliments me in every way. There are times when he has been away on a trip, when I catch a small glimpse of what my life would be like without him. I would miss him terribly. I would miss talking to him, laughing and teasing him. I would miss his support, his love, his little quirks and habits. All these little things that I take for granted in my daily life.
           I am so grateful that he is a hard worker, that he pushes himself and doesn't let things stop him. He plugs on when it is hard and never gives up. I am so grateful that he chooses to be a father, and chooses to be an active one. I'm so grateful that he as a desire to be good, to follow God, to help others. I am amazed at how much he supports me in my endeavors, goals and talents. He never stops me or holds me back, but tells me to go for it. I am amazed at how much I've grown artistically since I married him.
           I'm grateful for his love of people. He is always the one out there talking to people, meeting people, and helping people. I'm so blessed to be married to someone who is willing to help and serve anyone. He'll never say no. He's one who is full of charity. (Now don't get me wrong he's not perfect either. :) He's still working on his charity towards stupid drivers.) But I love him. More than I ever thought possible.
           Today I am so blessed to have you.

Monday, November 24, 2008


           This is definitely a sign of my life lately. :) I created this new kit in September. In time for the new school year. I finally got it in the store and activated today... November... Thanksgiving... almost Christmas. Oh well. That's my life. Crazy busy. Crazy good. I had so much fun making this collection. It's the first collection where I actually included some of my own illustrations. I also love the bright fun, colors. It reminds me of my days teaching elementary art.

           This layout is my favorite one from the matching brushset. I love this picture of Savannah. It is so her. And she is so me. I always wondered if I would raise another creative artist. Well here she is.

           (I am also going to be lazy,since I'm typing this on my laptop. It takes me forever to add links, so if you'd like a list of the supplies used to make this collection, click on the layout and you'll find the supplies listed in the description.)

I am blessed #1

           I received a reminder today to stop, sit down and realize how blessed I am. Lately it's been really busy around here and even though I realize how good life has been to us lately, I've forgotten to sit down and really internalize it. I realize I need to do it more regularly. So I decided that it was a perfect week to sit down and every day count some of my blessings.

           Today I am grateful for our little place. Our little tiny home where we can spend time together as a family. I'm grateful for the opporutunity it gives us to work together as a family fixing it up. Cleaning, painting and these last couple of weeks raking the yard. We've always wanted to have trees around our house, and in this house we have a huge one up front. It's been amazing how deep the leaves get in the front yard. A week ago, the kids and I were at home by ourselves and they were getting bored. I suggested we go jump in the leaves. They didn't even know what I meant. So we all bundled up and went out side to rake the leaves, jump in them and bury each other. It was gorgeous day and one of those moments where you need to just set things aside and take advantage of the moment. This was my great view of my family after the girls buried me alive. What a great time together!

           Not only does God bless us with beautiful trees to look at and shade our home, but to also run, play and laugh as a family.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Helping Out

           Yesterday when we came home from church Savannah ran in the house and told us we couldn't come in because she was doing something special for us. She locked us out for about 10 minutes. When she returned she beckoned us in with her huge grin exclaiming "look!" She had set the table for dinner. In her excitedness she declared "I wanted to help you out mommy because you have so much to do! I wanted to set the table for you so you wouldn't have to do all of it by yourself."
           On the table was this little pink construction paper heart that they had received in primary. She had about 6 of them. One for every day of the week, so they could do something nice for someone else, and leave a little love afterwards. I gave her a huge hug, thanked her for her help and for thinking of me. It was so fun to see her face a glow, bouncing with happiness and excitement that she had set the table all by herself for me. It was rewarding for me as well to know she had gone to church, learned about serving and helping others and actually internalized it enough that she came home and set my table for me. I love it when little things like this happen in your day. Times when you see your child grow up and have joy from serving others.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Thoughts Lately

           For the last couple of months I've been thinking about a lot of things. A lot of deeper, personal, faith oriented things. They just keep piling up, needing and wanting to get out. I contemplate putting them on the blog but because of limited hours on the computer and timing, I never seem to have the time at the moment to sit down and write it all out. Which has been bothering me. Especially because I really want this blog to be more. More about my heart, my feelings, my experiences, my faith. But how does a person go about doing that. I guess I just need to start.
           Oh but where to begin. I have so many things I want to say. I guess I'll just start somewhere.

           These last couple of days my dad has been having some health problems. Nothing too serious, but seeing the probability of it in the future has really been working it's way throughout my mind. My dad has had various health issues through his life. He's battled cancer twice, has high blood pressure and other issues that stems from not taking the best care of his body. He knows it's an issue, but isn't too concerned about it because he has no fear of death. He's at peace with his life, he knows that greater things lie past this earth life and has no fear of going whenever his time comes. That's fine.
           The rest of the family though, especially mom wishes he would realize that despite the fact that he isn't too concerned we are. We need him in better health, not because we wouldn't survive if he did go, but because there are worse things than death. There is more physical problems, and health issues that could make life much harder. Especially since he runs his own business, and is the sole worker. He has no one else that can really do his job. If he can't go to work, there is no business. That in itself is a scary position. Luckily this last week when he did wind up in the hospital my brother was home and able to run the truck for him. That will not always be the case. I'm beginning to realize my parents are getting old. I'm worrying more about what they are going to do with this business and how they are going to run it as the get older. Especially if dad's health get's worse.

           We also try to stress to him that we need him to take care of himself so that we can have him around longer. So his grandkids can know and have a relationship with their grandfather. When he was around my age, and when I was only 3, his father passed away unexpectadly. I grew up without him in my life. What did I miss out on? What could I have learned from him. What kind of a relationship could I have had with him. I want my kids to have what I didn't have. A grandpa.
           But seeing what he's going through, has also made me realize how much I need to take better care of my own health. How I need to watch what I eat and be careful and aware of becoming diabetic. Loose this extra weight, which is a mental and physical battle daily. To make sure that physically I am the best mom my kids could have. Why is this such a battle? A daily battle. One that I want to win, but end up getting so discouraged some days when it looks impossible.
           But in reality I know it's possible, because I did it once before. This time will be harder... because I've got 5 other people depending on me, needing me every moment, and cutting into my time... but it is still possible. I just have to keep telling myself that.
           In reality we've been so blessed with these amazing, incredible, wonderful bodies. Our Father's greatest creation. We needed them in order to become like him. Satan can and never will have a body like us, and so he's in a full fledge war to ruin ours. Why do we let him. Why do we succumb to him with addictions to achohol, drugs, food, sugar and other substances that aren't the best for it. That make it so we no longer have control over it. Why do we treat it so cheaply in this world, with low morals and values of modesty, immorality, pornography or filling our minds with filth. Why do we deface it, covet it, and cheapen it? Why don't we see it for what it is and take care of it, treating it with respect. Realizing the gift we've been given. Lately I've been realizing how Satan is getting at mine? Is he getting at yours?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Busy with Life.

           We are at that wonderful time of year of holidays, family and preparations for celebrating all of it.  I love these last three months of the year and yet these three months seem to fly by the fastest!  How do we make them slow down!  I'm trying to get a little bit ahead on the christmas ideas and presents I'd like to make. Hopefully I can find a way to balance my time to get them all done.
           This last weekend we were able to enjoy having my parents here for a few days and spending time with Grandma and Grandpa. The kids always have so much fun with them.  
           I got my kitchen painted last week! Yeah!  I have a few touch ups, some curtains to sew, pictures to hang and then we'll show off the before and after photos. It's bright and cheerful, and it feels so good to have it done. It's amazing how just painting your walls can make your house start to feel more like your own home, and less like your still living in a rental.  So between working on a new room every month as money permits, hopefully we'll have this house feeling more like ours here in a few months.
           Caitlyn is getting to that really fun age, of being more interactive. She's rolling all over the place, and trying so hard to sit up on her own. She is such a cutie and is so cuddly.  She's keeps reminding me why I love kids and why we enjoy having so many of them.  Isaac has hit the terrible two stage, he is still a great kid, but can definitely have his moments. Savannah is learning like crazy and loving school.  Mirian has been doing so much better lately in controlling her temper and not throwing fits. Yeah. She is such the sweetest little girl when she doesn't let her passionate side take over.