Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Little Brother

           I ran across this layout I did last month for club and thought it was fitting for this gratitude week as well.
           Here's the journaling: With 3 sisters I am very grateful to have you, my only brother. A person who naturally thinks different and behaves differently just because he is a boy. You have been one that always had a carefree attitude. You were positive and have one of the biggest hearts that I know of. You would do anything for anyone. You were always helping the widow up the street. You could always talk to a complete stranger and make them feel totally comfortable. Even though I am the oldest and you are the youngest I am grateful for the way that you have always been there for mom and dad. You have helped with the business when things were tough and you are home helping them with projects when they need it. You have always been there for them. I have not always been around or lived close enough to go home regularly to help. For that I am grateful for your huge heart, your willing hands and your positive attitude. I am especially grateful that you are my brother.

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