Monday, November 24, 2008


           This is definitely a sign of my life lately. :) I created this new kit in September. In time for the new school year. I finally got it in the store and activated today... November... Thanksgiving... almost Christmas. Oh well. That's my life. Crazy busy. Crazy good. I had so much fun making this collection. It's the first collection where I actually included some of my own illustrations. I also love the bright fun, colors. It reminds me of my days teaching elementary art.

           This layout is my favorite one from the matching brushset. I love this picture of Savannah. It is so her. And she is so me. I always wondered if I would raise another creative artist. Well here she is.

           (I am also going to be lazy,since I'm typing this on my laptop. It takes me forever to add links, so if you'd like a list of the supplies used to make this collection, click on the layout and you'll find the supplies listed in the description.)

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute!! I love your illustrations! I hope we see more in the future! :D


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