Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I am blessed #2

           I tend to think we don't fully realize the amount of influence our spouse will have on us when we get married. We are in love, we never want to be apart and we want to experience life with them. We know that at points it will be tough and hard, but I also don't think we have even a clue how good life will be with them. Amazingly good. Today I am so grateful for this man.
           I am so grateful to my Father in Heaven for sending him into my life. I had no idea how much I was missing before I met him. He completes and compliments me in every way. There are times when he has been away on a trip, when I catch a small glimpse of what my life would be like without him. I would miss him terribly. I would miss talking to him, laughing and teasing him. I would miss his support, his love, his little quirks and habits. All these little things that I take for granted in my daily life.
           I am so grateful that he is a hard worker, that he pushes himself and doesn't let things stop him. He plugs on when it is hard and never gives up. I am so grateful that he chooses to be a father, and chooses to be an active one. I'm so grateful that he as a desire to be good, to follow God, to help others. I am amazed at how much he supports me in my endeavors, goals and talents. He never stops me or holds me back, but tells me to go for it. I am amazed at how much I've grown artistically since I married him.
           I'm grateful for his love of people. He is always the one out there talking to people, meeting people, and helping people. I'm so blessed to be married to someone who is willing to help and serve anyone. He'll never say no. He's one who is full of charity. (Now don't get me wrong he's not perfect either. :) He's still working on his charity towards stupid drivers.) But I love him. More than I ever thought possible.
           Today I am so blessed to have you.

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