Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Busy with Life.

           We are at that wonderful time of year of holidays, family and preparations for celebrating all of it.  I love these last three months of the year and yet these three months seem to fly by the fastest!  How do we make them slow down!  I'm trying to get a little bit ahead on the christmas ideas and presents I'd like to make. Hopefully I can find a way to balance my time to get them all done.
           This last weekend we were able to enjoy having my parents here for a few days and spending time with Grandma and Grandpa. The kids always have so much fun with them.  
           I got my kitchen painted last week! Yeah!  I have a few touch ups, some curtains to sew, pictures to hang and then we'll show off the before and after photos. It's bright and cheerful, and it feels so good to have it done. It's amazing how just painting your walls can make your house start to feel more like your own home, and less like your still living in a rental.  So between working on a new room every month as money permits, hopefully we'll have this house feeling more like ours here in a few months.
           Caitlyn is getting to that really fun age, of being more interactive. She's rolling all over the place, and trying so hard to sit up on her own. She is such a cutie and is so cuddly.  She's keeps reminding me why I love kids and why we enjoy having so many of them.  Isaac has hit the terrible two stage, he is still a great kid, but can definitely have his moments. Savannah is learning like crazy and loving school.  Mirian has been doing so much better lately in controlling her temper and not throwing fits. Yeah. She is such the sweetest little girl when she doesn't let her passionate side take over.

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