Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Thrifty First

My first pieced baby quilt.  I’ve done just regular square quilts when I was little with random fabric, but this is my first one since then. I worked on it a little bit at nights here and there when I had a chance.  Amazing what you can get done by doing small things at a time. I even quilted it on my own machine.  It’s not perfect, but I’m really happy with how it turned out.  The best part about it, that my husband agrees is that it’s made from old sheets.  They’re a lot cheaper than fabric, and I love the soft feel they already have because they’ve been used.


  1. Shalae it turned out adorable! Why do you say you can't sew? It looks great! I am so wanting to try quilting on my own machine. You will have to show me how. So who is this for? And did you pick up the sheets at like a DI or was it just some you had around? Love ya - Tiffany

  2. Cute! Looks great Shalae! Way to get something finished! I wish I could say that about myself. I have SO many 1/2 finished projects...Love ya!

  3. How did you do the CIRCLES?! My sister in law and her mom have started me piece quilting, but I'm TERRIFIED of circles! THIS IS SO CUTE!! What pattern is it?

  4. This is cute and I recognize some of the sheets we have - which means I have inspiration for when they are too old.
    Thanks for all of your posts lately. You have been truly inspiring to me!!!


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