Monday, September 6, 2010

Crazy Flip and Floppy’s Fine Diner

This is the name that my husband came up with last night as we tried to figure out something fun we could do today since we all had the day off. We decided to open our own breakfast diner. 
The kiddo’s woke up and declared they were hungry and would we please fix them something to eat.  So Beau told them to get dressed and put their shoes on because they were going to go out for breakfast.  They were so excited.  “Where?  IHOP?!”  As the ran off to get ready I rolled over and said, “Are you setting them up for disappointment when you bring them back to our house?”

They all loaded in the car and drove around for a while till he got the call letting him know the Diner was ready.  They arrived back at the house, to the sign “Crazy Flip and Floppy’s Fine Food” on the front door. Entering they found their hostess (and cook) Floppy.  She was wearing a large glittery scarf wrapped around hair standing straight on end, (since it never lies flat after sleeping) a bright blue peasant shirt, black skirt, bright lipstick and a long silver beaded necklace.  Floppy asked how many was in their company, and seated them at their table.  Caitlyn just wasn’t quite sure about this breakfast diner.  She was a little wary.  She then dispersed the menu’s and did a little explaining about the breakfast entree’s that morning.  They could add additional add ins if they wanted or go with the plain. 

As she exited to the kitchen, Flip (the waiter) arrived from the backroom in a tux shirt and bowtie, black gym shorts and a bingo visor. It was the small hick town accent that did it in for Caitlyn. She was sure at that point that she did not want to be here and she wanted her real mom and dad back.  Only after Flip asked her if she wanted him to remove the bingo hat did she agree to stay.  Mud was the drink of choice for the morning, with a variety of lilypads, gold fish stuffing, glue sticks, upside down tornados and cardboard. 

They seemed to enjoy it, and were giving us a few weird looks too…. maybe we need to loosen up and be a bit more crazy a little more often.


  1. HOW FUN!!! You two are so creative, what good parents. I think we should all be a little crazier sometimes:)

  2. ROFL! I'll have the Gold Fish Stuffing with a side of cardboard and some liquid fire to drink, please. Oh, you do deliver, don't you?! You sound as crazy as Carson and me ... and I think that's good! ;)

  3. That is awesome! I need to try that. Sounds like you had a blast!

  4. You ROCK! That is awesome--I want to be a kid at your house! About the "craziest" thing we do for dinner is have theme music: if we are eating tacos, we play mariachi; if it's hamburgers, we listen to 50's; meatloaf has been a little hard to find a theme song for?

  5. And for this you all win the parents of the year award. I mean seriously, who does this? Amazing. Childlike. Inspiring. I want to eat at Flip and Floppys. This has artist with a capital ARTIST written all over it. Love you friend. Love that you created a memory.

  6. Still love this idea Shalae! I posted a link to it on the Speedscraps blog today! :) Can't wait to do this with my own girls!

  7. I would like to see pictures please. :)


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