Saturday, September 11, 2010

Haven’t I learned this lesson?

It seems that when I have one of those great ‘Aha’ moments, and I seem to be doing good and on the right track, that adversary seems to say ‘yeah right!”  Then begins his full fledge battle to prove to me I am full of words and no action sometimes.  This has been one of those weeks. One of those weeks that I have tried to escape to all the wrong things and places and it hasn’t worked. It has been a week or two of getting tired and frustrated with my children and myself.
It’s at times like this that I am so glad I blog. So glad that I have journals I have written about hard times like this before. So that I can re-read them all over again. Learn the lessons all over again, and wonder when I will finally get it right.  Today I was led back to the February 17, 2009 post Barren or Joyful, giving me the same answers, that I know all along, and yet can’t seem to implement as readily as I need to. 
It’s always the same battle. It’s always the same answers.


  1. Thanks for sharing this Shalae. I read your old post you referenced as well. What wonderful insight from Jeffrey R. Holland and you. A lot of great truths I'll have to ponder in my own journey of trying to be a joyful mother :)

  2. Shalae,

    I am so glad that I found your blog. I agree with Cortney, I am glad that I read this to help me when the road seems long and endless. Thank you for the insight from Elder Holland's talk. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the journey of motherhood. You are wonderful.

    Aimee (Clement) Baarz

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