Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Last night we were having family home evening. (An weekly evening dedicated to spending time as a family and teaching them the gospel.)  We always begin with an opening song (or two or three) and an opening prayer.  A lesson is given by dad, mom or one of the kids, and then we close with an activity, treats, and another song and prayer.

Caitlyn’s job is leading the music. At two she has picked up on how to swing her arm back and forth to conduct us, and we end up singing her favorite primary songs.  Last night we were closing our night by singing reverently the song “Families Can Be Together Forever.”  We were quietly singing when all the sudden Caitlyn yells out “FASTER!” (in her large 2 year old vocabulary and pronunciation)  and starts swinging her arm back and forth furiously. “FASTER!” she hollers again beating her arms as fast as she can make them go. We just busted a gut. I don’t know where she learned this. If she’s just picked up from the chorister at church that we sing to the rhythm of her arm moving, or if they play a game in Nursery where the song leader speeds them up and slows them down while they’re singing.  Lately she is just cracking us up with these things she pulls out from no where.

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