Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Being in the pictures too.

           It seems that most of the time I am the one taking pictures and so it's always fun to run across a picture where I'm actually in one. I ran across this one that I didn't realize I had until right after Savannah was born. I've been having fun and actually getting a lot of layouts done of our family with these 4x6 layouts.
           Sometimes they aren't the most flattering pictures of me, but I'm slowly getting over it as I realize I need to document myself in this life of ours, just as much as I need to document my children's life. I have very few pictures of my mom when we were growing up, and usually she had her hand up saying don't take this picture, or a scowl that she wasn't too happy with her picture taken. I want my kids to see me in pictures as being a part of their lives as well... so even though I don't necessarily love how I look right now I still need to be taking more!
           Which leads me to sharing my latest love.... more of Kal's Tiny art but specifically her pink ladies.

           She started this series when she did a painting for herself sharing her insecurities with her body after having a new baby. And it has evolved into a bunch of tiny art about women and their image of themselves with all their flaws, and not recognizing their real beauty. Too often we are comparing ourselves with earlier, skinnier days, each other or the media's description of what beauty is, when we are really missing it. We have beauty. Each of us. Inner beauty and outer beauty despite the extra curves and pounds that we carry. I love her simple words she describes, her descriptions of how we view ourselves and her honest drawings of what most of us look like. (I know I'm not one that promotes art, images or pictures of half dressed women, but I really love the message she is sharing and the way she is portraying it. Trust me I am the pickiest person when it comes to things like this, but I love them and the message so much I couldn't not share it.)

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