Monday, April 28, 2008

We're back

           I've been sort of absent for a while... life just catches up with you sometimes. Last week was a busy week of finishing up finals! Helping people, babysitting, dentist appointments, and the flu (me only!) We are enjoying the fact that we can relax and just be a family again. We had a great Saturday! I went to a baby shower, then off to Chuckie Cheese for a fun afternoon birthday party as a family. Afterwards we tackled the house before we went out on a date with friends to an Argentine restaurant. Beau's old mission companion and his wife went with us. They both miss the Argentine food, and so we enjoyed an evening of Milanesa's (I probably have those spelled so wrong! :)
           The best part of my whole weekend? My laundry is all caught up!!! It has been behind for literally months. Our dryer takes 2-3 cycles before it actually dries a load, and it has been impossible and would be impossible for me to ever get it caught up. So we just spent the money, and hauled all of it to the Laundry mat, and got it ALL down in a couple of hours. Loads and loads of it. I won't even tell you how many loads it was! Too embarrassing. But what an amazing feeling of relief it is to walk past the laundry room and have it clean, all it folded and put away, sorted through, and have one small pile to get done today. It was so worth every penny we paid! No more guilt and frustration of being constantly behind. What a productful, relaxing weekend.
           Today... Beau isn't working! I get time to design this morning, then we are off to relax and enjoy the day together as a family. The best part is that it is finally feeling and looking like spring too!

1 comment:

  1. I love hopeful, happy posts like this one. Yeah for good days/good weekends!


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