Saturday, April 19, 2008

More Playing

           So I've been having too much fun playing and getting way too many ideas of possible projects in my head... but that's a good thing. I need that right now... here' s one of Savannah.


  1. Oh my goodness, Shalae, this is stunning. What a gorgeous piece of art! Can I commission you or something? :)

  2. holy cow...she is SO GORGEOUS!! You guys are in trouble...better buy the shot gun now for all the boys that will come knockin! How are you girl! How is pregnancy #4!! Congrats to Beau on his Masters!! Now you can come move closer to us! :) You truly are one of my heros...and even though our paths crossed for only a short while, you will always be so dear to me! Love you tons! Amber

  3. You really area amazing, you realize that don't you Shalae? If you don't, I'm tell you again.

    I think you're amazing.


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