Monday, April 7, 2008

Little Blessings

           I love those little moments and blessings that just pop into your life totally unexpected where the Lord shows tender mercy to you. The last month and half, I've been giving up my free afternoon where my kids are playing at the neighbors to help a sister and her family who has been on bedrest. It's been my own time to run errands, work on designing, clean the house, rejuvenate, etc. It has been really good for me, but it's also been stressful as I have felt behind not having that time.
           Last night I was trying to determine in my mind where the line is of making sure I'm taking care of our family and our needs by saying no to helping, and when I should be serving and helping others when they so desperately need it like our Savior has taught us that we should do. Last night in thoughts and little prayers, of asking where that line is, what should I do? What would he have me do... I still determined to go and make it work, despite how much I needed a quiet break for myself.
           I was just about head over there for the afternoon when the phone rang. It was this dear sister calling to let me know that her husband came home early to help because they were unable to work in the snow. (We had a freak blizzard this morning. Which I was groaning about because I wanted spring.) Little did I know the blessing of that snow. That phone call made my day and gave me that little warm feeling that the Lord is aware. He's known how hard it has been, he knows I'm trying and he was saying "Here are 3 totally unexpected hours just for you... go refill your empty bucket."

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