Monday, April 7, 2008

Starting off Good

           Being a Monday we are starting off good! We had a great weekend listening the prophet and apostles for general conference. Some great stuff was taught. Two of my personal favorites was one by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's where he taught about one of the misconceptions that the world has that we are not Christians. He explains how we are Christians and explains our belief in continuing living revelation. It was an amazing talk. The other talk by Melvin J. Ballard really hit home to me and every mother of young kids out there should hear it. He gives you simple council on how to be a better mom at this crazy time of life. He gives us credit for all that we do, which is sometimes all we need, a little notice and thanks for the sacrifices and effort we put into our families.
           We were able to relax and enjoy being together. Dad made turnovers for us, and the kids were all over it.
           Today we were up at 5:30, ready to tackle a list of to-do lists. But the best part is that I woke up to the house mostly clean, and not feeling behind for the day! What a great feeling, that way I can focus on the other things that need done.

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