Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hanging in there

           Well we are going on day 12 of being sick. I’m basically over the worse part, but still have that lingering stuffiness.  Pretty nasty stuff. Most of my kids still have it, and I can easily say I can’t wait for this to go away.  I can’t wait for things to get a little bit more back to normal. Until then we’re hanging in there.  The next couple of days are going to be spent sewing up some Halloween costumes and getting things ready for this weekend.
           Sometime we still need to make it to the pumpkin patch to pick up a few these babies.  We love this time of year and we love Halloween. We always have big plans and then something always comes up… sickness?  Which leaves us frantically trying to get costumes together, and no pumpkin carving sessions. Hopefully that doesn’t happen again this season. I’m hoping all you are doing well and healthy.

Monday, October 19, 2009


           The last little bit I’ve been busy trying to get this Fab 5 collection ready for ScrapGirls 5th Anniversary! 5 items for $1.55. It correlates along with many of the other designers Fab 5 Collections as well.  It was such a fun collaborative project to work on. I can’t believe that it has been 4 years since I started designing for them. My life has not been the same since.  I have made incredible, life long friends. I have grown in incredible, unbelievable ways in my artistic skills and creativity.  I have learned so much and it has been such a blessing for us to have this option as we have been plugging through school.  God sent me here for so many purposes, and everyday I’m grateful to be a part of this amazing place.
           I also finished up a few other new products.
           These have been so much fun to play with.  My way of getting paint on my layouts. :)
           I finished up another Photoshop style set.  With a click of the button you can add the look of various papers to all kinds of stuff. Too much fun. I have to admit that I’m pretty addicted to styles.
           The last few days I’ve caught something which has moved to the chest.  Not fun when every part of your body hurts. So we’re trying to take it easy, not over do things and see if we can get over this quickly. What are the chances?  I have lots of things I’ve been wanting to blog about.  Some thoughts from In the Fish Bowl, some stuff from convention, some inspiration and a few more layouts. They’ll have to wait for another day.
           Thanks for all your sweet comments on the Self Portraits. You guys sure know how to make a girl blush, and get a little more confidence in herself all at the same time.
STI_FabFive_MKTG_600 STI_FabFive_LO_600 STI_SSPaper_Painting_MGKT_600 STI_SSTools_Styles_Paper4901_MGKT_600

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Self Portraits

           I don’t know when the last time it was that I actually had someone take pictures of just me.  Maybe it was when I was a High School Senior. Way too long ago. Since then I have a few other pictures taken of me.  The kind where it’s taken from arms length away in hopes that you can get a good angle and get most of you in the shot. I have plenty that my kids have taken of me randomly, which are always so flattering. A few taken when we are together as a family, but me by myself… none.
           So I took advantage that Laurel was coming to convention and paid her to get some good photos of me.  Ones I can use for my design work and that I would actually want to sit on my husbands desk at work. I think she did a great job.  How many of you moms out there have a good picture of yourself.  Probably none of you. Go and take one, but not using the one arm extended method.
           I think she did a great job. She’s an awesome photographer.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Life is too short.

           I’ve slowly been getting caught up after being gone all last week.  The to do lists are needing done, organizing needs to happen, kids need to be played with, and there’s a routine to try and get back into.
           Recently a tragedy happened to a family from back home that I was good friends with.  Every year they train as a family to do a big family race/relay together.  This year it was in Vegas, and in the middle of the race their oldest son was hit by a drunk driver and killed instantly.  I heard the news unexpectedly and have to admit that I was pretty emotional over it. Mainly because he was a young father with a little family, and now in an instant his kids were left fatherless and his wife left a widow. I can’t even imagine the grief they all must feel, as well as his parents and siblings. In a split second their life was completely changed. It is just so sad really.  For some reason I find it easier to let someone go like my grandfather who is older and has lived a happy and full life. Someone so young, with so much to live for is so much harder for me.
           We have also been keeping tabs on our good friend Ryan who is battling cancer. And for an instant there he had an allergic reaction, and thought he was going to die right then.  They were able to help him out of it and days later as he wrote this post, “Please all of you that are married hug and kiss your spouse today. Also, let your parents know how much you love them. This life is temporary. Make all you can of it.”
           That choked both Beau and I up.  We have it so good, and life really is temporary.  We often forget that tomorrow could change drastically.  Why do we live like it’s not.  Why do we not think before we speak, why don’t we tell people we love them more and why don’t we show it more.
           I have to say that that it would kill me to ever lose Beau.  I would be devastated, but I also am so incredibly grateful for the gospel. For the knowledge it gives me about the purpose of this life and what happens beyond this grave. I’m grateful for a Savior who has made it possible for us to be resurrected, who has made it possible for families to be together again.  I know that God has made it possible for families to be sealed and continue that incredible relationship we have here even after we die. That this life is not all that there is. That death is not the end.  That gives me hope for my friend’s family. Despite their sudden loss, and the grief they feel, I know that they were sealed as a family. I know that they will see their dad again. I know they have the gospel and a loving Savior to carry them through the lonely days ahead. And although life is only temporary there is more to life than here.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Convention 7_2009
           Every mother needs a whole week to herself at least once a year to do something for herself.  I just got back this last weekend from an amazing week at convention.  I met incredible women from all over the world. I had time to spend quality time with some of my dearest friends on our team. I had a chance to just relax, be myself, do something for me, take a break from being a mom and realize that I am also still Shalae. Realizing that we (all us mothers) too are individuals who also occasionally need to take care of ourselves, do something for us, and deepen personal friendships.
           I came home so relaxed, stress free (despite looming deadlines), full of hope, full of emotions from saying goodbye and with a new understanding of why I’m here at ScrapGirls. That was one of the greatest things about being here.  After lots of thoughts about what my art is intended for, and where I should be focusing it, I left knowing that it was here. God placed me here for a reason. My heart was led here along with hundreds of other amazing women and I never intend to leave.
           I came home a much happier person and a much happier mom who could deal with the tantrums and whining. I came home with more love to give, and a huge appreciation and love for my husband who wants me to participate in things like this and makes it possible. I’m ready to tackle anything. I’m ready to find better balance in my life. I’m ready to create. I’m ready to be a mom.  I’m ready to develop these friendships I made even deeper. I’m ready.  Ready for so many things.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Time For Myself

           Today I am leaving to attend the Scrap Girls Convention.  Can I tell you how much I am looking forward to this week.  Five days of no children calling mom, mom, mom, mom over and over again. Going where ever I want when ever I want without having to put shoes on 8 wriggling feet, find 4 coats, packing the diaper bag, reminding people to hurry and buckling everyone up.  I get to have someone else cook for me, as well as eat all my meals hot.  Five nights of a bed all to myself with no extra kids wriggling in it and taking up all my space – which means 5 nights of good sleep!  Quiet time to myself to just rejuvenate. Five days of incredible people, wonderful friends, time with my fellow designers and team and just pure fun.   No worries, by the end of the week I’ll be happy to see my kid smiling faces. They will all look like they just grew up over night and I’ll once again realize how blessed I am.  Here’s to a great week. I might be a little absent in the blogging world, or who knows - maybe I’ll have lots to share!  And here is to one GOOD amazing husband who will be holding down the fort while I am gone.

Friday, October 2, 2009


writing savannah
           Isn’t there something magical about a 1st grader learning how to read and write that just makes you smile. I love reading Savannah’s little writing practices she brings home. You can see her little mind working by just reading it… trying to figure out how to spell words by sounding them out.  

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Overcoming the Block

Mirian's Portrait
           Last night I was getting burned out with another project I’ve been working on for a while, so I took a break to play around with Painter 11.  After realizing I really have to get over this block of doing things digitally (namely painting) and not feeling like a real artist, I had to just play.
           The result? Realizing how much I REALLY enjoy this.  It’s much faster for me, and therefore my creative side feels fulfilled. So I started this quick painting up of Mirian and then finished up tonight while listening to the 2nd class for In the Fish Bowl. After playing around with painter, I just can’t help but jump into Photoshop and play with textured paper and backgrounds, etc. Of course I can’t seem to sign my name for the life of me with this tablet, so we resorted to typing the signature and date. Tacky? Oh well, I sort of like it.  It’s sort of like me admitting… this is all digital. No real paint here. And who cares what anyone else thinks.